Speech Synthesis


Name Description Size License Creator Download
TSync-1 Corpus Thai speech synthesis corpus from NECTEC (not full corpus) 6 hours CC BY-SA-NC 3.0 NECTEC Mirror from @korakot: GitHub
TSync-2 Corpus Thai speech synthesis corpus from NECTEC (not full corpus) 5hr 25m CC BY-SA-NC 3.0 NECTEC aiforthai (registration required) and Mirror from @korakot
edited_common_voice This dataset is a Thai TTS dataset that use the voice from Common Voice dataset and modify the voice to not to sound like the original. - MIT taetiya taechamatavorn HuggingFace


Name Description Status Language License
Thai TTS Tacotron Thai_TTS is the project about training "Text to Speech in Thai" using Tacotron2 by NVIDIA. active Python 3.X Apache License 2.0
PyThaiTTS Open Source Thai Text-to-speech library in Python active Python 3.X Apache License 2.0